Mangia! comes with a host of predefined layouts tailored for a variety of screens and pages. You’re free to modify any of these to suit, or create your own. For the layout as a whole, you can: • select the “page” it uses, whether for printing or for the screen; • adjust its margins. For each part of a recipe, you can: • place its boxes vertically on the page; • select font, size, and style for the text in the box; • hide the part from view or make it visible again. You work on a layout by using an actual recipe. So, to modify a layout, select and open a recipe. The last item on the Recipe Card menu is Modify Layout... When you select it, the Layout menu appears and the recipe card will show a variety of layout markings. The commands on the Layout menu work on any selected part of the recipe. (You can Shift-select several parts to change them all at once.) For example, to change the font used in the recipe title, click on the title to select it. Then use the Text Font, Text Size, Text Style, and Text Alignment submenus under the Layout menu. Likewise, you can change the box style of any part. You can check and uncheck items on the Recipe Parts Shown submenu to make parts of the layout visible or invisible. Finally, the Page Size submenu lets you specify what size of page or screen you are working on. (You'll be limited to a workspace the size of the page/screen you have chosen while editing the layout.) Using the mouse to click and drag, any box in the layout can be moved up or down the page. You can’t overlap items, so frequently you’ll select one item and several will move with it. You also won't be able to drag any part of a box outside the page area used by the layout. When you are finished with the layout, choose Finished with Layout from the Layout menu. You'll be asked if you want to save the changes you made to the layout. To create a new format with the recipe open, select the New... item from the layout selection pop-up menu on the Recipe Card. The new layout starts off identical to the one that was previously being used. You might want to start with the layout which is most similar to the one which you are about to create. As before, when you select Finished with Layout, Mangia! will ask you if you want to save your changes, but in the case of a new layout, it will also ask you for a name for the layout.